Publications by subject
- Emanuele Pianta and Roberto Zanoli.
"Exploiting SVM for Italian Named Entity Recognition".
In Proceedings of EVALITA 2007, Workshop held in conjunction with AI*IA 2007, Rome, 10 September 2007, to appear.
- Emanuele Pianta and Roberto Zanoli.
"TagPro: A System for Italian PoS Tagging Based on SVM".
In Prooceedings of EVALITA 2007, Workshop held in conjunction with AI*IA 2007, Rome, 10 September 2007, to appear.
- Octavian Popescu and Bernardo Magnini.
"Cross Document Coreference Using Frequency Estimates".
In Proceedings of the Third Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2007), 5-7 October 2007, Poznan, Poland, to appear.
- Octavian Popescu and Bernardo Magnini.
"Inferring Coreferences among Person Names in a Large Corpus of News Collections".
In Proceedings of the 10th Congress of Italian Association for Artificial intelligence (AI*IA 2007), Rome, 10-13 September 2007, to appear.
- Octavian Popescu and Bernardo Magnini.
"Web People Search Using Name Entities".
In Proceedings of SemEval-2007 Workshop, co-located with ACL 2007, Prague, CZ, 23-24 June 2007.
- Matteo Negri.
"Dealing with Italian Temporal Expressions: The ITA-Chronos System".
In Proceedings of EVALITA 2007, Workshop held in conjunction with AI*IA 2007, Rome, 10 September 2007, to appear.
- M. Negri, E. Saquete, P. Martinez-Barco, R. Muñoz.
"Evaluating Knowledge-based Approaches to the Multilingual Extension of a Temporal Expression Normalizer".
In Proceedings of the COLING-ACL Workshop on Annotating and Reasoning about Time and Events (ARTE),
Sydney, Australia, July 23, 2006.
- E. Saquete, P. Martinez-Barco, R. Muñoz, M. Negri, M. Speranza and R. Sprugnoli.
"Automatic resolution rule assignment to multilingual temporal expressions using annotated corpora".
In Proceedings of TIME 2006 International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning,
Budapest, Hungary, June 15-17, 2006.
- E. Saquete, P. Martinez-Barco, R. Muñoz, M. Negri, M. Speranza and Sprugnoli R.
"Multilingual Extension of a Temporal Expression Normalizer using Annotated Corpora".
In Proceedings of the EACL 2006 Workshop on Cross-Language Knowledge Induction,
Trento, Italy, April 3, 2006.
- Valentina Bartalesi Lenzi and Rachele Sprugnoli.
"EVALITA 2007: Description and Results of the TERN Task".
In Proceedings of EVALITA 2007, Workshop held in conjunction with AI*IA 2007, Rome, 10 September 2007, to appear.
- Manuela Speranza.
"EVALITA 2007: The Named Entity Recognition Task".
In Proceedings of EVALITA 2007, Workshop held in conjunction with AI*IA 2007, Rome, 10 September 2007, to appear.
- Emanuele Pianta, Manuela Speranza, Bernardo Magnini, Valentina Bartalesi Lenzi and Rachele Sprugnoli.
Italian Content Annotation Bank (I-CAB): Person Entities (V. 1.3).
ITC-irst Technical Report, May 2007.
- Emanuele Pianta, Manuela Speranza, Bernardo Magnini, Valentina Bartalesi Lenzi and Rachele Sprugnoli.
Italian Content Annotation Bank (I-CAB): Organization Entities (V. 1.1).
ITC-irst Technical Report, May 2007.
- Bernardo Magnini, Matteo Negri, Emanuele Pianta, Manuela Speranza and Rachele Sprugnoli.
Italian Content Annotation Bank (I-CAB): Temporal Expressions (V. 2.0).
ITC-irst Technical Report, September 2006.
- B. Magnini, A. Cappelli, E. Pianta, M. Speranza, V. Bartalesi Lenzi, R. Sprugnoli, L. Romano, C. Girardi and M. Negri.
"Annotazione di contenuti concettuali in un corpus italiano: I-CAB"
In Proceedings of SILFI 2006, X Congresso Internazionale della Societa' di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana,
Firenze 14-17 giugno 2006.
- Bernardo Magnini, Emanuele Pianta, Christian Girardi, Matteo Negri, Lorenza Romano,
Manuela Speranza, Valentina Bartalesi Lenzi and Rachele Sprugnoli.
"I-CAB: the Italian Content Annotation Bank".
in Proceedings of LREC 2006 - 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
22-28/5/2006, Genova (IT)
- Andrea Esuli and Fabrizio Sebastiani.
"Random-Walk Models of Term Semantics: An Application to Opinion-Related Properties".
In Proceedings of the Third Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2007), 5-7 October 2007, Poznan, Poland, to appear.
- Andrea Esuli, Fabrizio Sebastiani.
"PageRanking WordNet Synsets: An Application to Opinion Mining".
In Proceedings of ACL 2007, Prague, CZ, 25-27 June 2007.
- Carlo Strapparava and Rada Mihalcea.
"SemEval-2007 Task 14: Affective Text".
In Proceedings of SemEval-2007 Workshop, co-located with ACL 2007, Prague, CZ, 23-24 June 2007.
- Andrea Esuli and Fabrizio Sebastiani.
SentiWordNet: a high-coverage lexical resource for opinion mining.
Technical report ISTI-PP-002/2007, October 2006.
- Andrea Esuli, Fabrizio Sebastiani .
"SentiWordNet: A Publicly Available Lexical Resource for Opinion Mining".
In Proceedings of LREC 2006 -
5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
22-28/5/2006, Genova (IT)
- Andrea Esuli and Fabrizio Sebastiani.
"Determining Term Subjectivity and Term Orientation for Opinion Mining".
In Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2006),
- Andrea Esuli and Fabrizio Sebastiani.
"Determining the Semantic Orientation of Terms through Gloss Analysis".
In Proceedings of CIKM 2005.
- Bernardo Magnini and Manuela Speranza.
"A Plug-in Approach to merge Global and Specialized Linguistic Ontologies".
In Oltramari, Lenci, Gamgemi, Calzolari, Huang, Prevot (Eds.), Ontologies and the Lexicon, Cambridge University Press, to appear
- Christian Meilicke, Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Andrei Tamilin.
"Repairing Ontology Mappings".
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), Vancouver, Canada, 22-26 July 2007.
- Chiara Ghidini and Luciano Serafini.
"Reconciling Concepts and Relations in Heterogeneous Ontologies".
In Proceedings of The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006), Budva, Montenegro, 11-14 June 2006.
- Paolo Bouquet, Luciano Serafini, Stefano Zanobini and Simone Sceffer.
"Bootstrapping semantics on the web: meaning elicitation from schemas".
In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2006), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 23-26, 2006.
- Jeff Z. Pan, Luciano Serafini and Yuting Zhao.
"Semantic Import: An Approach for Partial Ontology Reuse".
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Modular Ontologies, WoMO'06, ISWC 2006, Athens, Georgia, USA, 5 November 2006.
- Christian Meilicke, Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Andrei Tamilin.
"Improving Automatically Created Mappings using Logical Reasoning".
ISWC 2006 Workshop on Ontology Matching, Athens, Georgia, USA, 5 November 2006.
- O. Popescu, B. Magnini, E. Pianta, L. Serafini, M. Speranza and A. Tamilin.
"From Mention to Ontology: A Pilot Study".
In Proceedings of SWAP 2006, 3rd Italian Semantic Web Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives,
Scuola Normale Superiore, PISA 18-20 December, 2006.
- Bernardo Magnini, Emanuele Pianta, Octavian Popescu and Manuela Speranza.
"Ontology Population from Textual Mentions: Task Definition and Benchmark".
In Proceedings of the OLP2 workshop on Ontology Population and Learning,
Sidney, Australia, 2006. Joint with ACL/Coling 2006.
- B. Magnini, M. Negri, E. Pianta, L. Romano, M. Speranza , L. Serafini, C. Girardi, V. Bartalesi Lenzi and R. Sprugnoli.
"From Text to Knowledge for the Semantic Web: the ONTOTEXT
In Proceedings of SWAP 2005, Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives,
Trento, Italy, 14-15-16 December, 2005.
- Paul Buitelaar, Philipp Cimiano and Bernardo Magnini (Eds.)
Ontology Learning from Text: Methods, Applications and Evaluation.
IOS Press, 2005.
IOS book page
- Paul Buitelaar, Philipp Cimiano and Bernardo Magnini.
"Ontology Learning from Text: An Overview".
In Paul Buitelaar, Philipp Cimiano and Bernardo Magnini (Eds.),
Ontology Learning from Text: Methods, Applications and Evaluation, pp. 3-12, IOS Press, 2005.
- Luisa Bentivogli and Bernardo Magnini.
Accesso all'informazione basato su conoscenza: funzionalità del portale ONTOTEXT (Versione 31/12/2006).
ITC-irst Technical Report, June 2006.
- Emanuele Pianta, Luisa Bentivogli, Christian Girardi, and Bernardo Magnini.
"Representing and Accessing Multilevel Linguistic Annotation using the MEANING Format".
In Proceedings of the EACL-06 Workshop on Multi-dimensional Markup in Natural Language Processing (NLPXML-2006),
Trento, Italy, April 4, 2006.
- Alfio Gliozzo and Carlo Strapparava.
"Exploiting Comparable Corpora and Bilingual Dictionaries for Cross-Language Text Categorization".
In Proceedings of ACL06,
Sydney, July 2006
- Alfio Gliozzo and Carlo Strapparava.
"Cross language Text Categorization by acquiring Multilingual Domain Models from Comparable Corpora".
In Proceedings of the ACL 2005 Workshop "Building and Using Parallel Corpora: Data-driven Machine Translation and Beyond".
- Alfio Gliozzo and Carlo Strapparava.
"Domain Kernels for Text Categorization".
In Proceedings of Conll 2005.
- Octavian Popescu and Bernardo Magnini.
"Sense Discriminative Patterns for Word Sense Disambiguation".
In Proceedings of Workshop on Semantic Content Acquisition and Representation (SCAR) 2007, in conjiunction with NoDaLiDa 2007, 25-26 May 2007, Tartu, Estonia.
- Claudio Giuliano, Alfio Gliozzo and Carlo Strapparava.
"FBK-irst: Lexical Substitution Task Exploiting Domain and Syntagmatic Coherence".
In Proceedings of SemEval-2007 Workshop, co-located with ACL 2007, Prague, CZ, 23-24 June 2007.
- Octavian Popescu, Sara Tonelli, Emanuele Pianta.
"Preposition Disambiguation based on Chain Clarifying Relationships Contexts".
In Proceedings of SemEval-2007 Workshop, co-located with ACL 2007, Prague, CZ, 23-24 June 2007.
- Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo, Marco Pennacchiotti and Patrick Pantel.
"The Domain restriction Hypothesis: Relating Term Similarity and Semantic Consistency".
In Proceedings of North American Association for Computational Linguistics / Human Language Technology (NAACL HLT 07), Rochester, NY April, 22-27 2007.
- Patrick Pantel, Rahul Bhagat, Bonaventura Coppola, Timothy Chklovski and Eduard Hovy.
"Learning Inferential Selectional Preferences".
In Proceedings of North American Association for Computational Linguistics / Human Language Technology (NAACL HLT 07), Rochester, NY April, 22-27 2007.
- Claudio Giuliano, Alfio Gliozzo, and Carlo Strapparava.
"Syntagmatic kernels: a word sense disambiguation case study".
In Proceedings of EACL06 Workshop Learning Structured Information in Natural Language Applications,
Trento, Italy, April 2006.
- Joaquin Quinonero-Candela, Ido Dagan, Bernardo Magnini and Florence d'Alché-Buc (Eds.).
Machine Learning Challenges: Evaluating Predictive Uncertainty, Visual Object Classification, and Recognizing Textual Entailment.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2006.
Springer book page
- Alfio Gliozzo, Claudio Giuliano and Carlo Strapparava.
"Domain Kernels for Word Sense Disambiguation".
In Proceedings of ACL-05, Ann Arbor, June 2005.
- D. Perez, A. Gliozzo, C. Strapparava, E. Alfonseca, P. Rodriguez and B. Magnini.
"Automatic assessment of students' free-text answers underpinned by the combination of a
bleu-inspired algorithm and lsa".
In Proceedings of the 18th International FLAIRS Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, May 2005.
- Alfio Gliozzo, Carlo Strapparava and Marcello Ranieri.
"Crossing parallel corpora and multilingual lexical databases for wsd".
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and
Computational Linguistics (CICLing-05), Mexico City, Mexico, February 2005.
Maintainer: bentivo
Last modified: Mon Aug 27 2007